Virtual Open House Information Session

Sunday October 04, 2020 at 11:30 AM

Students and parents are invited to attend our Zoom meeting and hear our plan for the school year.

Topic: ElHedaya Open House
Time: Oct 4, 2020 11:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 718 6780 1382
Passcode: 9Vpjqr

Welcome to EL Hedaya Islamic School

Islamic education provides children with the chance to learn the basic concepts, values, and ethics of Islam, which provides a foundation for all other human knowledge and science.

Our goal it to develop students into exemplary members of society and model citizens of the Muslim community, as we nurture the love and enthusiasm for seeking knowledge and practicing Islam.

Tuition and book fees:

The tuition per semester is

  • $120 for each student
  • $60 book fee.

All fees are due at the beginning of each term.

Dress Code:

All male students must wear clothing that covers the body and the knee, no sleeveless shirts. All female students must wear hijab and loose clothing that covers the whole body, no tight clothes.  Students who are not properly dressed will be sent home

Punctuality and Attendance:

Students need to arrive at school at 10:25.  Be on time. Be present throughout the day. THREE late arrivals will be considered as an absence. Three unexcused absences per semester can lead to removal from school roster. Parents must contact the principal in case of an absence.

Drop Off & Pick Up:

Please pick-up your child on time.

Pick-up and drop is at the first driveway behind the Masjid.